Conspiracy World: A Truthteller's Compendium of Eye-Opening Revelations and Forbidden Knowledge by Texe Marrs (RiverCrest Publishing)
“Conspiracies are very
real. Here is proof that the world is more strange and far more evil and
dangerous than you and I can even imagine." For over two decades
researcher and author Texe Marrs has investigated true history and real news.
In Conspiracy World you get some of the best of his findings and results. What
you read in these pages may well surprise, shock, and anger you. In some cases,
discovering the hard, cold facts might even frighten you out of your wits. This
is not the politically correct, tainted and flawed "news" stuff you
typically read in your newspapers or view on controlled media TV programs -
CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, etc. What Texe Marrs has done is rip off the veneer.
Tearing away the pretense and dismissing the Orwellian doublespeak of
mainstream politicians and educators, he tells readers exactly what really
happened, he examines what is going on now at this moment that seriously
affects your life, and more important, he reveals tomorrow's news today! His
track record for predictive events is breathtakingly on-target. In this
stunning and fascinating huge volume, you will learn of things secret, and
things forbidden about government coverups and scandals, of Big Brother's
fast-growth police state, the truth about the Illuminati and secret societies,
mind-boggling disclosures concerning UFOs, aliens, and extraterrestrials, the
inside scoop on dangerous cults and unholy, wicked religions, the scary true
story of mind control, satanism, and black science, the facts about the
elitists' goal of depopulation of planet earth, and about actual plans for 21st
century concentration camps in the U.S.A. You'll also discover evidence
exposing the power elite of global banking cartels who have greedy designs on
your wallet. Read and be amazed. Then, tell others what you have discovered.
Help spread the truth before it's too late before more minds become numbed from
poison vaccine administered by a faceless bureaucrat, or perhaps, we all end up
locked away somewhere in a remote gulag prison cell. And remember the whole
planet is literally brimming with unheralded secrets. That's not conspiracy
theory. It's undeniable, eye-opening history, and it is irresistible,
unvarnished truth. What we have here is nothing less than Conspiracy World.”
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