lunedì 30 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia

The Knights Templar in the Golden Age of Spain: Their Hidden History on the Iberian Peninsula by Juan Garcia Atienza (Destiny Books)

“A thorough examination of the history of the Templars in Spain and Portugal- Explores the mysteries surrounding the location of Templar enclaves- Examines the Templar connections to the Cathars and to the troubadour culture- Looks at the Order’ s influence in the kingdoms of Aragon and Catalonia and the Spanish monarchy itselfThe rise and fall of the Templar Order constitutes a fundamental and decisive episode in medieval history, and the destruction of the Order constitutes a pivotal point that fundamentally altered the direction of society. While much is known about the history of the Templar Order in France, home of its chief commandery in Paris, and in the Latin States of the Middle East, their contribution to events on the Iberian peninsula has until now remained obscure and unexplored.Renowned Templar scholar Juan Garcia Atienza reveals here the important role the Templars played in the Reconquista that saw the Moors driven out of Spain and demonstrates the great influence they exerted in the kingdoms of Castille and Navarre and the territories of Catalonia and Aragon. He examines the mysterious connections between the Templars and the Cathars and troubadours as well as the mystery surrounding the location of all the Templar enclaves in the Iberian peninsula. He also unveils the important role the Templars had as teachers of the Spanish king James I, known as the Conqueror, whose attempt to establish a universal theocratic empire may have been a reflection of Templar ambitions, and explores the Order’ s suppression in Spain and how it survived in Portugal by simply changing its name.”
COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

domenica 29 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia
Web -


Da quando la prima edizione statunitense di The True Story of the Bilderberg Group fece la sua esplosiva apparizione nel settembre 2005, molte cose sono cambiate nell’era della politica del potere globale. All’epoca vivevamo in un mondo unipolare con un solo centro di autorità e un solo centro di forza. Alla fine del 2011 le cose sono nettamente diverse. Non viviamo più in un mondo con un unico padrone militare. La minaccia che l’umanità di oggi si trova ad affrontare proviene dall’usurpazione del potere da parte di leader di terrorismo finanziario; la folle fase finale di un progetto che dura da secoli e si propone di neutralizzare lo sbalorditivo successo delle conquiste del Concilio di Firenze del 1439-1440, che aveva provvisoriamente riunificato i riti orientali e occidentali della Chiesa cristiana. A quei tempi il Concilio di Firenze mise in moto una rivoluzione all’interno delle istituzioni politiche che governavano il mondo e che avevano il proprio centro nello stato nazionale di Venezia e nella Nobiltà nera veneziana. Dopo l’esplosione della bolla del debito nel 1345 e la conseguente distruzione della ricchezza di Venezia, nel 1582 l’oligarchia veneziana accettò di trasformare le Isole britanniche in una nuova base di potere globale finanziario e marittimo. Nella seconda metà del XX secolo questo progetto totalitario nemico si diede il nome di “Gruppo Bilderberg”. Dalla pubblicazione di The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, il termine Bilderberg ha fatto il proprio ingresso nella lingua inglese, diventando parte del lessico, come Ground Zero. Ha finito anche per avere significati diversi per diverse persone. Alcuni hanno travisato il Bilderberg in un modo assolutamente stupido, presentandolo come un “occhio maligno che vede tutto, una cospirazione dell’uomo nero”. Altri lo vedono come un monolite, un gruppo di personaggi potenti che si incontrano in stanze buie, in locali chiusi, seduti intorno a un tavolo rotondo, tenendosi per mano e fissando una sfera di cristallo, pianificando alacremente la conquista del mondo. Nessuna di queste definizioni si avvicina a ciò che è effettivamente l’organizzazione che si è data il nome di Bilderberg. Ecco un test per tutti quelli che non sono d’accordo con me. Alla vostra sinistra ci sono gli artefici del Bilderberg, alleati fra loro per questo e per quello scopo; alla vostra destra c’è la Storia, che abbraccia gli ultimi 2500 anni, dall’epoca di Platone e Socrate ai giorni nostri. Come hanno fatto i personaggi in grado di influenzare i principali avvenimenti mondiali a interferire con un particolare corso della storia umana guidando il potere degli strateghi mondiali? Vedete, quelli che scelgono la via d’uscita facile con affermazioni del tipo «il Bilderberg ha detto a questo e a quell’individuo di fare questo e quest’altro per ottenere questo o quell’obiettivo » vivono in un mondo popolato da finti complotti puerili orditi da cospiratori esperti. Sciocchezze populiste e insignificanti partorite da menti sottosviluppate. Detto questo, il gruppo Bilderberg fu fondato da circoli collegati a un ex membro del Partito nazista, il principe Bernhard d’Olanda (che si dimise dal Partito nazista per poter sposare la principessa olandese). Si trattava di un organismo sponsorizzato dalla monarchia anglo-olandese, esplicitamente patrocinato dalle consorti reali inglese e olandese, e rientra tipicamente in una rete che coincide in parte con lo stesso concerto di sinarchia internazionale di interessi finanziari sotto forma di una rete di istituti bancari privati, come oggi Lazard Frères. Dietro l’instaurarsi dei regimi fascisti in Europa nel periodo compreso fra il 1922 e il 1945 c’era appunto questa banca, le cui attività andavano in direzione di un tentativo di stabilire un sistema mondiale di fascismo internazionale sotto la copertura della “globalizzazione”, che è semplicemente un altro termine per impero.

The Knights Templar And The Church: The History Of The Knights Templar - A Story Of Power, Greed, Betrayal And Mystery by Charles G. Addison

“The Knights Templar were portrayed by the Roman Catholic Church as evil, perverted thugs bent on sacrilegious activities and practices. Charles G. Addison presents the other side of the coin and establishes the heroic, religious and dedicated nature of the Order long before the Papal documents exonerating the Templars were acknowledged by the Vatican. In this work we see the relationship between the Templars and the King of England, the organization and structure as well as the "torture confessions" extracted from the captured Templars. This is a detailed and fascinating account of the betrayal of the Knights Templar.”
COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

sabato 28 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia
Web -

History of the Knights Templar of the state of Pennsylvania: from February 14th, A.D. 1794, A.O. 676, to November 13th, A.D., 1866, A.O 748, A.O.E.P. 69 by Alfred Creigh

Based on Joseph Sabin's famed bibliography, Bibliotheca Americana, Sabin Americana, 1500--1926 contains a collection of books, pamphlets, serials and other works about the Americas, from the time of their discovery to the early 1900s. Sabin Americana is rich in original accounts of discovery and exploration, pioneering and westward expansion, the U.S. Civil War and other military actions, Native Americans, slavery and abolition, religious history and more. Sabin Americana offers an up-close perspective on life in the western hemisphere, encompassing the arrival of the Europeans on the shores of North America in the late 15th century to the first decades of the 20th century. Covering a span of over 400 years in North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean, this collection highlights the society, politics, religious beliefs, culture, contemporary opinions and momentous events of the time. It provides access to documents from an assortment of genres, sermons, political tracts, newspapers, books, pamphlets, maps, legislation, literature and more.
COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

venerdì 27 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia
Web -

The Knights Templar and Scotland By Robert Ferguson (History Press)

Places and books such as Rosslyn Chapel and "The Da Vinci Code" have focused attention on Scotland's Knights Templar. Who they were and what they did has been touched upon, but never properly explored. Close advisors to Scotland's early kings, they were major property owners and respected landlords in a harsh and unforgiving time. But they were also secretive and arrogant. Did they flee to Scotland just prior to their arrest on Friday 13 October 1307? Did they fight with Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn in 1314? And how did the Templars continue on after Bannockburn? This book intertwines Templar and Scottish history, beginning with an overview of the Templars, and then applying this to Templar life in Scotland. It describes the Templar arrests in France and contrasts this with the Templar Inquisition at Holyrood, then following the Templars from Bannockburn to the present.

COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

giovedì 26 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia
Web -

Knights Templar Tactics and Drill with the Working Text and Burial Service of the Orders of Knighthood, As Adopted by the Grand Commandery of the State of Michigan by ELLERY IRVING GARFIELD

“This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.”
COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

Il Segreto di Gesù di Germano Dal cielo (Youcanprint)

Un manoscritto sepolto da 500 anni. Un povero frate torturato solo per aver ficcato il naso dove non avrebbe dovuto. Una corsa contro il tempo per svelare al mondo intero la Verità. Riuscirà Fra' Remondino a condividere con l'umanità un segreto che la Santa Sede aborrisce come innominabile e sacrilego? Perché papa Leone X nel Rinascimento si lasciò scappare la frase "La storia insegna quanto ci abbia fruttato quella storiella su Cristo"? E soprattutto perché Suor Lucia dos Santos, la veggente di Fatima, in punto di morte invia un'ultima missiva in Vaticano? Tra laidi intrighi di corte, tentativi di avvelenamento e inseguimenti al cardiopalma, "Il segreto di Gesù" si addentra nelle oscure macchinazioni dell'azienda "spirituale" più potente del mondo: la Chiesa cattolica.

mercoledì 25 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia
Web -

The Templars: The Dramatic History of the Knights Templar, the Most Powerful Military Order of the Crusades by Piers Paul Read (St Martins Griffin)

“In 1099, the city of Jerusalem, a possession of the Islamic caliphate for over four hundred years, fell to an army of Christian knights intent on liberating the city from Islamic rule. From the ranks of these holy warriors emerged an order of monks trained in both scripture and the military arts: the Knights of the Temple of Solomon, called the Templars. In this engrossing chronicle, spanning three centuries, Piers Paul Read tells the bloody story of the Templars’ rise to political and financial power throughout Europe and the Holy Land, their catastrophic fall, and their far-reaching legacy. Drawing on the most recent scholarship, Read blends historical authority with novelistic excitement to create a comprehensive history of the vaunted and feared warriors whose remarkable order still captures our imaginations today..”

COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

L’influsso illuministico nel Regno di Napoli di Antonio Scarcello (Youcanprint)

Questo libro è la versione rivisitata di un saggio breve presentato alla XVIIIª Edizione del Premio Letterario “Galeazzo di Tarsia” di Belmonte Calabro (CS) ─ Luglio 2011. Si tratta di un lavoro con sole finalità divulgative, destinato ad un pubblico di lettori non specialisti e che non ha pretese di originalità o di completezza, men che meno di riscuotere l’apprezzamento dei palati più scaltriti ed esigenti. Per la stesura del testo ho attinto da Autori accreditati come Casini, Woolf, Diaz, Venturi, Ferroni, Ricuperati, Im Hof ed altri, sforzandomi di sviluppare il tema proposto in semplicità e senza tralasciare di accennare ─ sia pure en passant ─ alle premesse storiche e socio-culturali, ai primi bagliori e all’affermarsi del movimento dei Lumi in Europa e negli Stati italiani del Settecento. Nel consegnare alle stampe il volume mi è caro rivolgere un pensiero di vivo ringraziamento a p. Giuseppe Mirabelli, bibliotecario di Laurignano, per il solito instancabile incitamento e per i numerosi testi che mi ha permesso di consultare.

martedì 24 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia


“The Templars, Two Kings and a Pope, is the novelized reconstruction of a crucial 25-year period in Templar history, before the Order of the Temple was disbanded. At one level, this is the story of a covert war, of the secret organization known as The Brotherhood, and of the one man who stood at the center; a Swiss named Lord Otto de Grandson who became England's King Edward I right-hand man. At another level, this is a spiritual story about Jesus' secret teachings that he reserved for the select few. These teachings became the Brotherhood's reason for being, why they fought their covert war against France's King Philip IV, and the motivation behind their quest for egalitarian governance, a resurgence of democracy that led to the creation of Switzerland, the French revolution and the United States.”

COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

lunedì 23 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia
Web -

An Illustrated History of the Knights Templar by James Wasserman (Destiny Books)

“A lavishly illustrated, comprehensive look at the mysterious history of the Order of the Knights Templar: Presents the myths and historical truths of the Knights Templar, the elite warrior army of the pope who were destroyed as heretics some 700 years ago; examines the evidence of the Templar connections to the Assassins and the Cathars; includes more than 170 period illustrations and contemporary photos of former Templar strongholds in Europe and Jerusalem.  Despite the increasing scholarship devoted to the study of the Templar order, founded in 1119, the mystery surrounding the Templars endures. Secret societies from the Freemasons to the Ordo Templi Orientis claim descent from this religious order of warrior-monks. As the private army of the pope, the Knights Templar were initially established to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land but grew to become one of the most powerful organizations in the Middle Ages. With period illustrations from manuscripts from the Crusades, interpretive romantic paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries, and contemporary photos by Steven Brooke and others of former Templar strongholds in Europe and Jerusalem, James Wasserman, author of the bestselling The Templars and the Assassins, provides a fascinating history of the Order and the many mysteries and legends that surround it. Wasserman presents the evidence for the Templar connection to mystical Islamic organizations such as the Assassins as well as their ties to “heretical” groups such as the Cathars, who were targeted by a crusade in southern France to expunge the challenge they presented to the orthodoxy of their time. In addition to providing an overview of the Templars’ actions during the Crusades, Wasserman revisits the trial and the charges leveled against them, showing how the Order was ruthlessly crushed. He also explores the nature of the treasure they left behind, which has fueled popular imagination for centuries.”

COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI

domenica 22 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia

The Knights Templar: The History and Myths of the Legendary Military Order by Sean Martin (Basic Books)

This book is an essential exploration into the history of a legendary group of Crusaders, which are prominently featured in Dan Brown's recent best seller, The Da Vinci Code. The Knights Templar rose from humble beginnings to become the most powerful military religious order of the Middle Ages. Formed to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land, they participated in the Crusades and rapidly gained wealth, lands, and influence. Seemingly untouchable for nearly two centuries, they fell from grace spectacularly after the loss of the Holy Land. In the ensuing centuries the Templars have exerted a unique influence over European history; orthodox historians see them as nothing more than soldier-monks whose arrogance was their ultimate undoing, while others see them as occultists of the first order. With clarity and ease, Martin navigates between the orthodox and the speculative, the historical and the myth, to bring alive the story of the Templars. Like those other legends of the Middle Ages—the characters of the Arthurian tales—The Knights Templar holds captive the imagination of all those intrigued by conspiracy and how history and myth intertwine to become the stuff of legend.

COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI


sabato 21 aprile 2012

In The future of Arcadia

We knights of the “Ordo Templi Equestris Arcadia Lecce” feel the need to apply for support to all men and women of goodwill. For a little over three years we are carrying out numerous cultural, artistic and social initiatives, support to weaker sections of society to the most needy. We did it only counting our strengths.  We have received several awards associating with other orders of international importance, and we were included  in the largest database of orders worldwide Neo Knights Templars,(, compare with prestigious orders in studies of CESNUR, and recently we have become an ONG (nongovernmental organization).  Now we want (in the spirit of international brotherhood and solidarity that was right at the base ethics of chivalry) to implement our action beyond the borders of our land, bringing support in places where someone is less fortunate than ourselves, bringing education where resources maybe there aren’t, creating employment and development.  For our order this is an important moment, and we want it to be now and in the future for you. Now will we reach. Give us your hand and together we can build something great!. Your donations can do them, please visit this page:
Or you can make your donation to these coordinates:
Beneficiary: ARCADIA LECCE
IBAN IT 28 M 36 000 03 200 0CA004633488
Random: Donation
In Christ our Lord and God - Gran Siniscalco Ordo Equestris Templi Arcadia

The Fall of the Templars by Robyn Young (Dutton Adult)

The internationally bestselling author of Brethren and Crusade tells the cataclysmic story of the last days of the Knights Templar. Robyn Young’s historical fiction has topped international bestseller lists and won praise from the likes of Raymond Khoury, Steve Berry, and Alison Weir. The Fall of the Templars chronicles an era few people know about—what happened when the Templars returned from the Crusades and found that the monarchs of Europe did not want an army of religious warriors back on European soil. Leaving the Christian empire in the East in ruins, Knight Templar Will Campbell returns to the West to discover that the Temple has forged an alliance with his enemy, King Edward of England, vowing to help the king wage war on Scotland. This pact against his homeland strikes at the core of Will’s faith and allegiances, while his daughter, Rose, is led into a dangerous affair in the French royal household. Will now faces a choice: Should he protect his family, or lead his men into a new world? The fight for the Holy Land has ended. But the Temple’s last battle has just begun.

COMUNICAZIONE DI ARCADIA LECCE - In tre anni abbiamo fatto molto per la solidarietà e per la cultura. Dacci l’opportunità di fare di più e meglio. Dona il tuo sostegno ad Arcadia Lecce QUI